Most of my followers have been watching, praying and some, even holding their breathes to see if and when our Amy would return.
I have good news! AMY IS HOME!
And I am really thanking God for her safe return. We had a few issues with her return flight, but after many hours of talking on the phone, interceding and getting blessed by a new one time donation the flight was secured. She boarded the plane in Honduras and arrived in Kansas City the evening of the 18th.
Over this last month, we have been helping her transition back into civilian life so to speak. After months in Belize and Honduras with no running water, toilets, clean drinking water and sleeping with tarantulas getting back into the American swing of things has taken a while. I have never seen a young lady so very thankful for the small things in life.
Amy is here only for a few more months. She will leave in May if she has enough money and solid sponsors. She will either head on to Colorado for an internship there or she will follow her heart to Thailand to work with women being saved from the sex trafficking movement.
While Amy is here in my home we have been taking her job hunting but that is not going so well. A month later and she has only had one interview.
With all that said, let me tell you that God is good and will make a way for Amy to continue in her 3rd DTS training with YWAM (Youth with a mission) Want to read more about YWAM? Click here.
One of our neighbors who grew up as a missionary in the Philippines came up with a wonderful idea. I had been teaching Amy how to make home made breads so that she would have the practical skill should she need it. We had taken a few samples for them to try.
The result?
Bread Tasting Parties!
So now we will be asking our friends, family and neighbors to host a bread tasting party. The object? To sell bread for Missions.
Raising money for Amy has been very difficult. Finding people who have a heart for missions and a little change in their pocket is a rare experience.
But everyone needs bread.
And most people want healthy bread.
Combine those 2 with a tasting party and we are praying for a smashing success. Our church is not a "normal" church in the respect of having bake sales or fund raisers. So all of this must be done outside of the church and on our own.
Here is a sample of some of the breads we are making and also us in the process.
And for those of you who thought this was a home schooling blog, it is! My little ladies have had their hands in this project from the start! Train them up in the way they should go and they will not depart from it.
14 years ago
I wish I lived local to buy some of that bread. The organic dinner rolls and braided bread looks delicious!!
Have you read the Ralph Moody Little Britches Series? I believe in the second book that the father has passed away and the mother and sister get a cookery going. Ralph delivers the pies etc to people, and they get by with this cookery. Anyways, the idea of making food and taking orders is a good one and from Days Gone By.
One of the sororities at my daughters school sells cupcakes for 1.00. They decorate them all with vivid pastels and sprinkles. They seem to do very well doing that. So maybe she could make some and sell them at a soccer game etc, if she can get the ingredients and make the cheap enough????
God Bless, Kristina
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