Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Story of the World Week One

The co-op I joined this year is doing Story of the World (SOTW) volume 4. It covers from Victoria's Empire to the end of the USSR. It's my job to teach it.

My class varies in age and grade level. What I share with you is my attempt to teach to all of these children. My hope is that each one of them will learn to love history as much as I do.

I have read many reviews about SOTW, scouted blogs and researched all summer. I have had a difficult time finding any examples of the fourth volume. You will also find that I have supplemented the hands on activities because several units are lacking anything that will hold my classes attention. In most cases I have resorted to Geography lessons, cultural lessons and hands on activities.

Week 1: Victoria's England

The week before classes began I sent a message to all of my students and then met with them to discuss what my class would be like. I announced we were going to hold our own Great Exhibition just like Queen Victoria and Prince Albert did in 1851. Each student was to bring something from their family's country of origin. Artwork, style of music, popular foods, inventions or products were acceptable. This was a good way for us to get to know one another and also learn a bit about where our families came from.

Stein and Country flag. Can you guess which country is represented?

 And old writing desk full of treasures from days past
 Original immigration papers where Queen Victoria was renounced. This was an amazing treasure and I personally have never seen anything like this before.

  German Artwork

 Another stein
 Coat of Arms

We also enjoyed listening to Irish folk songs that one of my students brought while we worked on our time lines. It was wonderful!

 The teacher brought something too!

We did a few other fun activities and one of those was to recreate our own crystal palace.
  • Was built May 1, 1851
  • Over 1 Million feet of glass was used
  • Prince Albert rejected over 245 plans
Our Crystal Palace didn't take nearly as long...


Rhonda said...

MMM! Those Krautkookahs look delicious. Your class looks like so much fun. I love hands on learning.