Monday, November 8, 2010

Twenty Days of Thanksgiving

Day 17
I am so very thankful for the  small things in life. For the cords of wood we have dried and stacked, waiting by the back door for those long winter nights in front of the fire. I am thankful for the sets of SKIP-BO cards we have, that bring us many nights of family fun and laughter. I am thankful for the food we have in our kitchen, and the ability to be able to cook it.
I am thankful for the holly bushes that I trim every year at Christmas time. Their berries bring so much beauty inside my house. I am thankful for the scarecrows that line my flower gardens... and thankful that one of my children remembered how much I loved them.
I am thankful I have a pillow to lay my head on each and every night.

Thank you Lord for all of my many blessings!