Friday, September 11, 2009


I often wonder if I am the only homeschooler who is liberal in this area? Considering how very conservative I am usually, it surprises me. Below you will see 2 pictures and if  you look closely you will see headphones in ALL of their ears! Now, dont get me wrong. I know that when they are actually HOOKED up to the computer they are listening to their studies AND listening to their music. When they are attached to a small little box laying on the table, workstation or in a pocket... I know that there is NO WAY they are learning something lesson related.

Surprisingly enough, the kids all manage to get their word done. Quickly and quietly for the most part. They have no issues with retention and seem to be able to concentrate better. My only thought on this is maybe having the consistant background noise cancels out the noise of the other kids in the classroom. IDK. At anyrate it works for us. Now that we are in our 2nd year of allowing MP3 and IPOD's in the classroom I can say that I WISH I would have allowed it before.

Our rules for them:
#1 I MUST NOT be able to hear YOUR music from my desk.
#2 Your neighbor MUST not hear YOUR music from their desk.
#3 Remove your headphones for classroom discussion time, pledge, preamble and prayer.
#4 PLEASE no singing when a good song comes on. (LOL)
#5 Remember your a Christian and the kind of music you listen to should not compromise what your morals and convictions are.
#6 If YOU break one of the above rules, that means mom gets the device and will listen to it herself and wear out your batteries. WHO knows when you will get it back.


Rhonda said...

ROFL! I just loved rules 4 and 6!

~Jenn~ said...

Haha... I agree!

Unknown said...

I love your rules. Especially number 4.