Sunday, September 6, 2009

The other passion

As some of you know Nick has been out since the last game. He got knocked around pretty hard. We still have not ruled out a broken ankle~ However the swelling is going down and the pain is decreasing. Still there was no way he was going to play this weeks game.

Here he is walking some plays with one of the other players.
Nick is the one standing in the middle. Here he is overseeing the stretching before the game.
The boys in the blue uniforms are Junior high kids. The rest are JV and V players.
Right before the game~ All of the boys getting ready to hit the field.
I think it came close to killing him to stand there on the side lines and not be able to play.
Now for a little brag time on Aaron. MY GOODNESS that boy played some serious ball! The guy standing next to me taking stats (while I video taped) had Aaron down for something every 3rd play. He really stepped up this game. He made the first touchdown along with passing to James who was waiting with open hands in the end zone for the last touchdown of the game. Less than 8 seconds on the clock!
So my husband is not the best photographer. He tries hard. Since I am unable to do both still pictures and run the video camera during the games, I am thankful that I get SOME images! Thank you dear!
So we didn't win again this week. I am not really too shocked since all but 3 players are new to the team this year. It is a hard pill to swallow however since last year they were undefeated for the season going 12-0 and taking the championship game to boot. The boys are getting alot of play time and this is good because its an absolute FORTUNE to let them play.


Tisha said...

I hope his ankle isn't broken. I'm sure it is pure torture to sit and watch instead of playing.

Rhonda said...

WTG Aaron! Sorry the game was not won, but he played hard and that is what counts. Great photos. I sure hope that Nick's ankle heals quickly. You can just see the look on his face in one of those photos to tell how badly he wants to play.