Lapbooking Fun~ Seasons

We started the months of the year lapbook in our first week of school. We are also doing unit studies on each of the seasons, so this should give Abby a better scope of how the seasons change and which months are in which seasons. It also introduced using a calander for herself and keeping track of her own important dates and functions.

Inside her envelope here is a list of each of the months and activities that would normally happen.

This is the inside of her lapook. Poems, songs and activities. Since this is a work in progress we are not completely finished with it yet. If anyone can tell me why this picture decided to invert itself I would love to know how to fix it (It's showing upright in my windows picture)

More poems, songs, chants and worksheets. Here the minit books are shown closed.

Inside her minit book.

I love these little books that can also be used for a handwriting exercise and doubles for art.
We loved learning all about the seasons at our house. The lapbook is very cute. We decide to do a pocketbook to learn about the seasons, you van view it here:
I am going to check out that link. I LOVE the pockets. I haven't quite got it figured out how to construct them and use them with what we are doing yet.
THOSE are soooo awesome! I left you a few questions and I believe I will be borrowing your awesome idea!
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