Meet Maxwell
The story of Nicks truck... Actually, its really becoming a headache. You see, the boy got his truck on his 17th Birthday. It has some exhaust issues and a leak (hence the name Maxwell cause it pours out like coffee). We got those things fixed and he ended up with new problems. You see, this lovely truck had a bored out engine for racing. Entirely too much for a young man to resist the temptation of putting the "peddle to the meddle"... Besides getting our neighbors in a tissy, he managed to push it a little too much one night on the way home from his girlfriends house. So instead of spending money on doing the body work, he is spending his hard earned money on a new engine. He has been without his truck for a couple months now. He finally saved up for a new (used) engine. So our good friend and mechanic Bryan brought it over this week. They removed the old engine (WHAT A LESSON!) and got the new engine ready to be put in. THATS when Bryan found a multitude of issues with the new motor. So back to square one, searching for a good used motor. Nick was VERY upset that it didn't work out this time. He REALLY wants his truck back up and running. So does his mom. He is entirely too active and I am already running every which direction nightly. So keep us in your prayers that we find another GOOD motor soon!
14 years ago
Poor guy. :0(
Crossing fingers and saying some prayers that he can find a new motor soon and get his truck running in no time at all.
Aw, poor guy... hope you are able to find a new motor and get Maxwell up and running soon!
Oh no!! I hope you get a better motor soon. Doug's been working on his truck for months now!
I don't want this to take MONTHS! LOL... Its already been several. He did go learn how to sand and do body work today~ So if and when Maxwell gets up and running he will have a heads up on the other work he wants to do.
Hope he gets it going.
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